
We have been active in all of our three programmes, and we have a teaching portfolio that is coherent with our research profile.
Here is a list of the courses that our faculty in Reflact are currently contributing to:

Database Use and Design (GBI) 

Digital Platforms (GBI) 

Enterprise Systems and Information Management (GBI) 

Global project management (GBI)  

IT, Globalization and Culture (GBI) 

IT Governance and Quality Management (GBI) 

IT Work and Design (GBI) 

Organisational Change (DIM) 

Introduction to Service Design (DIM) 

Service Design – management and implementation (DIM) 

Organization and Innovation (ILM) 

Currently, our research group member Lars Rune Christensen also manages the Executive Master Programme in IT Leadership.
And Sisse Finken manages the PhD school at the IT University of Copenhagen.

Our Study Programs